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37:30': Alexander Bruns is trying to control the ball...37:30': Alexander Bruns recovers the ball.37:40': Torsten Tarnat moves forward with the ball38:00': Eduardo Alvarez kicks the ball up field...38:14': Patrick Kristensen moves forward with the ball38:29': Marwan Sofyan advances with a long pass from the central defence to Steven OToole in the left offensive midfield38:40': Steven OToole tries to go past Leoš Novotný38:40': Steven OToole makes a dribble and moves forward38:40': Steven OToole moves forward with the ball38:44': Steven OToole tries to go past Mário Marques38:44': Steven OToole makes a dribble and moves forward38:44': Steven OToole moves forward with the ball38:45': Steven OToole passes from the left attack to Rahmawadi Nurdiansyah in the central attack38:47: Ali Rıza Şentürk tries to play at first touch...38:47': Ali Rıza Şentürk recovers the ball.39:21': Marvin Alexander Lamprecht-Benda moves forward with the ball39:24': Marvin Alexander Lamprecht-Benda is forced to take a step back with the ball39:28': Marvin Alexander Lamprecht-Benda moves forward with the ball
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